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Quit Smoking Tips

Time to quit smoking

Like any major undertaking, quitting smoking needs a plan. By planning ahead, you can navigate potential problems before they arise and consequently enhance your chances to succeed.

Set yourself up for success by:

  • Picking a quit date – it should be soon in the future and as stress-free as possible. Planning to quit the day before the big presentation? Not the best idea.

  • Take a look at your surroundings – remove all ashtrays, lighters and cigarettes.

  • Carry a list with you at all times – what are your reasons for quitting? Is it your family? Your own health? Make a list and carry it with you. Take a look at it whenever you are tempted.

  • Change your habits – avoid beverages, places, foods and even people that you associate with smoking. Exercise and developing an active routine can help boost your endorphins naturally.

  • Know your triggers and adapt accordingly.

  • Reward yourself – you’ll be saving money so why not put it aside for something that you really want?

Figure out Your Quit Plan