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11 Benefits of Quitting Smoking To Keep You Motivated

Never give up quitting. Whether you’re preparing for a first attempt, a do-over, or you’re in the midst of a quit smoking attempt right now, maintaining motivation is key.

By now you are probably at least a little familiar with the main reasons for quitting smoking, but identifying the most important reasons  for you  is key to turning initial motivation into lasting willpower.[1]

To help, we’ve compiled some of the top benefits of quitting smoking.  Whichever method you choose, there are plenty of reasons to quit, and stay smoke-free. Whether it is your health, your appearance, your finances, or your impact on those around you that has made you think about quitting, be sure to refer back to this list to keep your eye on the prize.

1 .  Your heart  – Even light smoking damages the heart and blood vessels. This can lead to coronary heart disease, where plaque builds up in the coronary arteries that supply oxygen-rich blood to your heart. When this flow is reduced or blocked, heart attack or angina can occur.[2]  Quitting can reduce these risks significantly. After one year, your risk of heart disease associated with smoking will be cut in half.[3]

2. Reducing the risk of lung cancer  – Along with looking after your heart, this is one of the major health benefits of quitting smoking. Smokers are as much as 20 times more likely to die of lung cancer than non-smokers.[4] Smoking also increases the risk of other types of cancer. By continuing along your smoke-free journey, you can significantly reduce these risks. It might seem like a long way off now, but if you can rack up ten smoke-free years, you can reduce your risk of lung cancer by half compared to a smoker.[5]

3. You will save a lot of money  – Cigarettes aren’t cheap and however many you used to smoke, you’re not spending that money any more.

4. Your senses may improve.  If you love food, this benefit of quitting is huge. Smoking can dull your sense of taste and smell meaning that if you quit, you may start noticing that food tastes better.  This can happen as soon as a few days after you quit smoking,[6] so if you have experienced this already, keep it up!

5. Living longer  – Men who quit smoking by the age of 30 can potentially add as much as ten years to their life expectancy. Even those who quit by age 60 can potentially increase life expectancy by three years.[7]

6. It will improve your skin .[8] The potential effects of smoking on your skin are highlighted by a study that looked at identical twins; one who smoked roughly one pack per week and one who did not smoke. The study found that the twin who had a history of smoking had “more severe skin aging”.[9] Sagging skin, wrinkles, and changes of skin colour[10] can all be effects of smoking. If you want your skin to look its best, keep your quitting going.[11]

7. No more winter smoking  – You won’t have to go out in search of a place to smoke, which means no more outdoor smoking in sub-zero Canadian winter temperatures.

8. Breathing easier  – As you adjust to a life without cigarettes, your lungs relax and you can get more air into them, enabling you to breathe easier.[12]

9. Smelling better  – Whether it’s your home, your clothes, your car, or even your breath, they all smell of cigarettes when you smoke. While you might have got used to it, the unpleasant odor is noticeable for those around you. The good news is that this will start to change almost from the moment you quit.

10. Stop snoring  – Research has shown that smoking increases the risk of snoring – even among passive smokers. The good news is that the study also found habitual snoring for ex-smokers was lower than for current smokers,[13] so if you do snore, staying smoke-free could help.

11. People around you  – By quitting, you lower the chance that people you spend time with will be impacted by your smoking. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, more than 250 Canadians die each year from lung cancer as a result of long term exposure to second hand smoke.[14]














